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Cursor Hover feature for PC use #4247

Open troymcandrew opened 6 months ago

troymcandrew commented 6 months ago

Sometimes in descriptions route names are acronym and at a glance is hard to figure out what route it is at a glance. It would be great to have a cursor hover feature that showed the full route name when hovered over.

killakalle commented 6 months ago

@troymcandrew Can you provide an example (screenshot and link)?

troymcandrew commented 6 months ago


Something like this where you have multiple routes with acronym names in the description. A simple hover feature with the mouse would help know exactly what them routes are at a quick glance.

killakalle commented 6 months ago

I see, thanks. I didn't even know theCrag had a (secret) "first letter route name auto recognition".