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Difficulty histogram displays at least one bar for every difficulty, even if there are none #4263

Open Beakerboy opened 3 months ago

Beakerboy commented 3 months ago

It shows a bar for each grade up through 5.15b and says there is one route at each grade. Clicking the bar brings up the query report builder and says there are zero climbs.

lordyavin commented 2 months ago

Did you click exactly that grad band that has zero routes? grafik

Beakerboy commented 2 months ago

I guess I meant was, it displays a bar despite there being zero routes. Maybe that’s the intended look. Grades below 5.6 in the above image are not displayed when they have zero, but the 5.11a and all the 5.14s are displaying a bar.

lordyavin commented 2 months ago

Oh I see. The grade band ranges from the lowest to the highest grade available at the given crag. All grades in between are represented even if there is no route for that grade.

Closing this as not a bug.

Beakerboy commented 2 months ago

It totally makes sense for the band to extend the whole range, but the bars shouldn’t be printed. There is no visual way to distinguish zero from one. This just leads someone to click a bunch or bars to find those routes, and be given a zero in the report. On mobile devices, you cannot “hover” over a bar to see that it is zero until you tap on it.

Beakerboy commented 2 months ago

Also, the highest grades say there is one route, but when you click it, the report fails to list it. Clicking through to the crag itself shows that the most difficult route is 5.11d. There is nothing 5.15

so there is a bug. The upper grades say one when it should be zero. I would also argue that anything that is zero should not be printed, but that’s your design choice.