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New tag: Mobile coverage / connectivity #4272

Open killakalle opened 1 month ago

killakalle commented 1 month ago

I would like to request new tags to describes a crag's mobile coverage or mobile speed, e.g.

There are several situations where this information would be helpful

georg-d commented 1 month ago

Before implementing anything, I strongly recommend to do a survey amonst all thecrag users (not only those few that also are github users) whether information about mobile connectivity is desired at all, because it is much more controversial and emotional than you could expect from such a short information. Background on that (optional reading - TR;DR is fine): A few times, I added infos about mobile coverage to crag descriptions and some users sharply complained because mobile coverage is (from their point of view) against the spirt of climbing guides, mobile coverage must generally be expected to not exist outdoors, if one does not want to climb without mobile coverage one shall strongly question whether one goes climbing at all, it's not relevant but spam. Others see the information as very relevant in a climbing guide, e.g. when having the choice to either not climb at all xor to pick a spot with mobile coverage. Personally, I've the impression the info on mobile connectivity is not in itself so controversal, but what it stands for: The freedom to go climbing while respecting obligations vs no "real outdoor" left, modern/digital versus traditional mindset.

Some thoughts about implementation

If we'd like all of this, tags are IMHO not suitable but two drop downs:

For one region/area/crag, users could add unlimited number of entries. Example for a crag near Lake of Constance: