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Exact match VS Fuzzy search doesn't work in new simple site search #439

Open MelwinQ opened 12 years ago

MelwinQ commented 12 years ago

Fuzzy search is great. However, if I correctly type "Montagu" and search for it, I'd like to see the three exact matches of this word appear on top of the result list; the Fuzzy matches can follow later.

scd commented 12 years ago

Yup the most recent change in format for the search results means this can happen. There are some other scenarios to consider:

MelwinQ commented 11 years ago

another unexpected thing:search for "ballikay" won't find anything; "ballikaya" yields two hits (one exact "ballikayalar", one fuzzy).Is that intended?

scd commented 11 years ago

Big topic, slowly working through these issues. Based on the algorithm 'ballikay' has too many different letters. Clearly for us humans our fuzzy search abilities see this as matching. I could tweak a parameter to make this match then we would get more false positives. Maybe the algorithm itself needs fixing.

The search is mostly passable at the moment so it is a lower priority for me as there are many aspects of the site which are not up to scratch.

When I do refactor the search I need to have a list of 20 - 50 use case examples to benchmark against. I'm not sure yet how to get this list.

MelwinQ commented 8 years ago

Not sure if this leads to the list you mentioned:

1849 lists a example.

search for "Olvena" first list numerous fuzzy matches; the exact match is hard to sport within the list (appears twice though in the "lowest hierarchy node" (?) - I don't see why this should be like this.)

scd commented 8 years ago

exact matches should be higher priority. Probably a bug

brendanheywood commented 8 years ago

We should also make a distinction in the results page to separate direct matches from the more fuzzy suggestions

MelwinQ commented 8 years ago

It would also be useful to have the results of the current node (and below) first, then the results of the global search.

MelwinQ commented 8 years ago

another benchmark example: search for "göschen" yields 50+ fuzzy results, but does not contain "Göscheneralp" (partial exact match). "göschener" works, though.

brendanheywood commented 6 years ago

I've going to repurpose this issue to document the list of 'fuzzy' searches which now no longer work in the new search but probably should.


In my example it was "Schläggen" and it didn't find "Schlänggen".


doesn't find: 'Baume-les-Dames' (which I would expect it to if we split the names on punctuation, maybe - was missed?)