theDavidCoen / LightningExchanges

List of exchanges that support Lightning Network
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Add Bottlepay #34

Open Callan205 opened 2 years ago

Callan205 commented 2 years ago

Added Bottlepay to the list.

theDavidCoen commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure we should add Bottlepay or any other app in which the exchange is a secondary function. But I'm open to your opinion

Callan205 commented 2 years ago

That's a fair point - unlike most wallets Bottlepay has an inbuilt exchange function, and has native DCA etc. Although lightning is fully integrated and front and centre, the app is used as a simplified exchange by most users (i.e. Bitcoin only!). Bottlepay is a comparable service to BullBitcoin, River, Coincorner. Would be nice to have it on the list as a BTC only exchange, but I'll leave it to you to make the final decision.

Callan205 commented 2 years ago

And by the way, regardless, thanks for taking the time to assemble this list and maintain it, you're doing a service to the Lightning Network! ⚡️