theDazzler / droidicon

Over 1600 customizable icons for Android including 750+ Google Material Design icons, 25 ready-made social badges, and more!
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Manifest merger failed - mipmap/ic_launcher #22

Open AlbertVilaCalvo opened 9 years ago

AlbertVilaCalvo commented 9 years ago

I'm using Android Studio 1.2 RC. I've just added the lib (version 0.1.9) to build.gradle and I get the following error:

Error:(23, 9) Attribute application@icon value=(@mipmap/ic_launcher) from AndroidManifest.xml:23:9
Error:(23, 9) Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugManifest'.
> Manifest merger failed : Attribute application@icon value=(@mipmap/ic_launcher) from AndroidManifest.xml:23:9
    is also present at com.github.theDazzler:droidicon:0.1.9:13:9 value=(@drawable/ic_launcher)
    Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:icon"' to <application> element at AndroidManifest.xml:20:5 to override

At the Manifest, on line 23, inside the application tag, I have android:icon="@mipmap/ic_launcher". The project was created with Android Studio 1.2, which uses mipmap for icons and other drawables - you have a folder res/drawables and then folders res/mipmap-hdpi, res/mipmap-xhdpi etcetera.

I've added the tools:replace="android:icon"inside the applicationtag and the error disappears.

philippeluickx commented 8 years ago


zkboys commented 7 years ago
