theJian / nvim-moonwalk

A highly accessible colorscheme for neovim and many other applications.
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Support background=dark #1

Open KimNorgaard opened 3 months ago

KimNorgaard commented 3 months ago

I can see in lua/moonwalk/palette/init.lua that support for dark background has been disabled. If you comment in local variant = vim.o.background == 'dark' and 'dark' or 'light' and comment out local variant = 'light' is works as expected.

Is is unfinished or did you just forget to enable it?

theJian commented 1 month ago

@KimNorgaard It's just unfinished, my first attempt was to programmatically generate a dark palette based on the light one, but it turned out ugly.

KimNorgaard commented 1 month ago

I see. The light theme is really great and I've been using it for months new. I also use the dark variant from time to time and it's not as good as the light one but it works ok. I hope you'll get time to finish it someday :)