theKashey / used-styles

📝All the critical styles you've used to render a page.
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Report use percentage #13

Open theKashey opened 4 years ago

theKashey commented 4 years ago

Sometimes, by fact quite often, almost all styles might be inlined. And then the "real" file would be downloaded, doubling the traffic.

So, what about

zeppelinen commented 4 years ago

Yup. I am testing used-styles on our project and efficiency looks pretty bad. Coverage shows less than 50% efficiency.

theKashey commented 4 years ago

@zeppelinen - could you elaborate a bit? What does mean "coverage" in your case? "used" is > 50% of a whole CSS? Then it's all about the speed of your backend - if 16ms you can save my inlining styles matters for you - then it's worth. In another case it might not.