Thank you for your excellent work. We were delighted to use this tool in our study; however, we encountered an issue while using the example dataset UKF269_T_ST in spatial trajectories. We followed the workflow guidelines, but it reported an unexpected error:
Error in (function (cl, name, valueClass) : 'id' is not a slot in the 'Image' class
Below is the full code we used. Could you please provide some suggestions? Thanks in advance!
object_t269 <- readRDS("D:/rtemp/269_T.RDS")
object_t269 <-
object = object_t269,
img_anns = image_annotations[["269_T"]],
overwrite = TRUE
**Error in (function (cl, name, valueClass) : 'id' is not a slot in the 'Image' class**
To the developers of SPATA2,
Thank you for your excellent work. We were delighted to use this tool in our study; however, we encountered an issue while using the example dataset UKF269_T_ST in spatial trajectories. We followed the workflow guidelines, but it reported an unexpected error:
Error in (function (cl, name, valueClass) : 'id' is not a slot in the 'Image' class
Below is the full code we used. Could you please provide some suggestions? Thanks in advance!