Closed aapetti closed 2 months ago
Hello aapetti, can you post a picture/screenshot of the executed command and the messages that are printed in the console? Does the same error appear with other spata2 objects?
Thanks for replying! I've pasted the script below, and attached a screenshot of the output. I have only tried SPATA using this sample, but I tested other normalization pipelines with this data and the error occurred repeatedly.
# try SPATA for CNV analysis
indir = "/Users/Allegra/Dropbox/WUSM/SpatialTranscriptomics/Spatial/Visium_Batch4_FFPE_9_2021"
sample ="TWBK-ST073021-4"
outdir = "spata2.out" # creates a subdir of the working directory
outdir_cnv = "spata2.cnv"
slice4 <- initiateSpataObject_10X(
directory_10X = indir,
sample_name = "ST073021.4",
directory_spata = outdir,
directory_seurat = NULL,
combine_with_wd = "/",
gene_set_path = NULL,
SCTransform = FALSE,
NormalizeData = TRUE,
FindVariableFeatures = TRUE,
ScaleData = TRUE,
RunPCA = list(npcs = 60),
FindNeighbors = list(dims = 1:30),
FindClusters = list(resolution = 0.8),
RunUMAP = list(dims = 1:30),
verbose = TRUE
slice4 <- runCnvAnalysis(
object = slice4,
directory_cnv_folder = outdir_cnv,
cnv_prefix = "Chr"
I am aware of that error as it has happened to me, too. Although I don't know what exactly the problem is. I can not reproduce it. The problem is that it is caused from within the infercnv
package which I don't have access to.
Do you have other Visium samples? If so, does the same error message appear if you use cnv analysis with them?
have you solve the problem yet? I got the same problem too.
No, I have not solved the problem. I got the same error with every sample I tried. Other copy number calling tools (e.g. CONICSmat) work well with Visium data, so I did not feel it was worth the time/effort to troubleshoot this tool.
No, I have not solved the problem. I got the same error with every sample I tried. Other copy number calling tools (e.g. CONICSmat) work well with Visium data, so I did not feel it was worth the time/effort to troubleshoot this tool.
ok,thanks for your advice
This should be resolved along with our update to SPATA2 v3. In case this is still of interest, please feel free to re-try using the new CNV analysis tutorial.
Thank you for developing SPATA! I just started using it to explore some Visium V1 data, and encountered an error in infercnv:::plot_cnv. I used initiateSpataObject_10X to perform the initial analysis steps, then ran runCnvAnalysis. The analysis appeared to be proceeding, and the inferCNV object was created and saved, but I encountered an error in plot_cnv. The last few lines of the function output are below. Note that the @cnv slot in my spata object is an empty list, and the slot in my inferCNV object is also an empty list.
Last few lines of the runCnvAnalysis output:
12:14:15 Copy number variation pipeline completed. 12:14:15 Saving infercnv-object under 'spata2.sct.cnv/infercnv-obj.RDS'. 12:14:29 Plotting results. Attempting to call function 'infercnv:::plot_cnv()' with specified parameters failed with the following error message: Error in .fn(infercnv_obj =
, out_dir =2
, k_obs_groups =3
, cluster_by_groups =4
, : trying to get slot "" from an object of a basic class ("list") with no slots12:14:29 infercnv:::plot_cnv() failed. Attempting to plot with default setting. 12:14:29 inferncnv::plot_cnv() failed with default setting, too. 12:14:29 The infercnv-object has been saved under 'spata2.sct.cnv/infercnv-obj.RDS'.Please try to plot the heatmap manually. 12:14:29 If the error in infercnv:::plot_cnv() persists, consider to open an issue at Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection In addition: Warning message: In file(file, "rt") : cannot open file 'spata2.sct.cnv/infercnv.outliers_removed.observations.txt': No such file or directory
Any help with this error, or with further diagnosis, would be much appreciated. Please let me know if I need to provide further information.
Thank you!
Allegra Petti