theNewDynamic / gohugo-theme-ananke

Ananke: A theme for Hugo Sites
MIT License
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How do I display the site build time in the footer? #610

Closed Pathsis closed 1 year ago

Pathsis commented 1 year ago

Like Jekyll's {{ site.time | date: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"}} does. I see the information here, but I don't know how to implement it exactly.

Pathsis commented 1 year ago

I got it.

<footer class="{{ .Site.Params.background_color_class | default "bg-black" }} bottom-0 w-100 pa3" role="contentinfo">
  <div class="flex flex-wrap justify-between">
  <a class="f4 fw4 hover-white no-underline white-70 dib-ns pv2 ph3" href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}" >
    &copy; {{ with .Site.Copyright | default .Site.Title }} {{ . | safeHTML }} {{ now.Format "2006-1-2 15:04" }} {{ end }}
    <div class="dib-ns pb2 ph3">{{ partial "social-follow.html" . }}</div>