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Set up Netlify CMS for #4

Closed budparr closed 3 years ago

budparr commented 4 years ago

This is a Jekyll site so we can't use our pre-built module.

Need to know:

I believe this site is not on Netlify, so we'll need auth information, so this issue is dependent upon #2 being completed.


andreweick commented 4 years ago

This site is on netlify

andreweick commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure I understand what "Editorial Workflow" means --

budparr commented 4 years ago

Editorial workflow does a few things: When you create a new entry, the CMS creates a branch/PR for that entry. This allows a PR-like process from within the CMS, such as approval stages of an entry. That's helpful in a multi-author environment. However, it also kicks in Netlify's deploy preview functionality, which allows you to also see the entry live on the branch of your site. That's pretty handy.

It takes a bit of getting used to (editing an existing entry also creates a branch), but the preview is nice.

andreweick commented 4 years ago

Sounds good — the “multi author” doesn’t really apply, but the previews off branches with PR’s is good

andreweick commented 4 years ago

Could this issue be worked first? After this issue is completed, I can test it out // add content and test posts.

budparr commented 4 years ago

Sure. We had intended to knock out the Jekyll errors first because we think it will be short, but can start with this one instead. We need the credentials here (for me, and my team). I'll send you an email with who we need them for.

regisphilibert commented 4 years ago

Hello @andreweick. Is git-gateway enabled on Netlify for I received your invites, but the activation link does not seem to produce anything on my end.

Have you been though the /members section of you Netlify team dashboard and added me through the Add member process?

regisphilibert commented 4 years ago

@andreweick Pending we resolve the Netlify Identity issue mentioned above, I setup a Netlify instance for this repo tracking the branch add-neltifycms

Site: CMS Dashboard:

You should be able to create an account on the /cms page.

This allow you to tryout the CMS and make edits without changing the production site while still being able to see them deploy on

If you think of anything you need and we did not add, just let me know.

andreweick commented 4 years ago

@regisphilibert Sorry I totally missed the update -- I just tried to update my notification settings -- I've been excited for your work!

Ok, Yes, I just enabled git-gateway, it was not enabled before...Can you check the config and see if I did it correctly?

regisphilibert commented 4 years ago

If you think of anything you need and we did not add, just let me know.

If you think it's all good, we'll merge the branch into master.

andreweick commented 4 years ago

Ok, I tried the /cms directory, I tried to login w/ my netlify identity, but (surely) it's not there.

I say throw caution to the wind and just send a PR to merge to master -- I mean what could go wrong :-)

(Although, I didn't study the TDN-netlify-cms plugin much yet -- how do you handle upgrades / mods to the CMS part?)

andreweick commented 4 years ago

@regisphilibert I tried to merge that branch into master there were some netlify errors -- -- I'm not totally familiar with netlify publishing but I did see some reference s to the new URLs you listed above -- SO weird, for the life of me I couldn't find the URLs in the code that would cause the error.

If you could just send a PR when it's ready to be merged into (and pointed to)

regisphilibert commented 4 years ago

@andreweick I reopened the PR. I think the URL thing is front end. But I did need to update the branch name (removes it so it defaults to master).

I'm not sure how you're your Netlify identity is setup. But if it auto-register is activated, could you enable GitHub as a signin/register service? This way we'll be able to sign up with our GitHub creds.


regisphilibert commented 4 years ago

@andreweick I'm looking at some build errors and will get back to you.

regisphilibert commented 4 years ago

@andreweick it's all good. You can test the CMS here:

I managed to signin using the GitHub button at the bottom.

WARNING: Be aware any changes made on this branch from the CMS Dashboard will be committed to master and therefor deployed to production.

andreweick commented 4 years ago

@regisphilibert Thanks -- although I'm still a bit confused?

I sent @budparr an issue this weekend, I want to migrate the (source) repo to my personal GitHub (rather than my company) -- in your opinion, does it make sense for me to change ownership of the repo (to and then update all the corresponding netlify bits to work, or should I 'squash merge' this and then do the migration.

This site isn't that precious to me (yet!) so a few days of downtime / migration are no problem -- I don't need to 'validate' with the TND' Domain you set up.

I'd rather move the site to it's final REPO and URL and then figure out this 'netlify identity'.

budparr commented 4 years ago

I will be review your requests from the weekend sometime today

andreweick commented 4 years ago

@regisphilibert looks great.

Although I can't get logged in at the moment, it was working for me a few nights ago and looked great.

I wasn't sure how to invoke the 'editorial' workflow (that would post on non-master branches), but that might be user error?

I want to move the 'source' repo from the IMITNEL group to my personal group. Do you recommend I just 'delete' my netlify setup, move the repo, and then 're-create' the netlify entry?

regisphilibert commented 4 years ago

I wasn't sure how to invoke the 'editorial' workflow (that would post on non-master branches), but that might be user error?

I just opened a PR to add the setting on your master branc.

I want to move the 'source' repo from the IMITNEL group to my personal group. Do you recommend I just 'delete' my netlify setup, move the repo, and then 're-create' the netlify entry?

I think you can just do the repo move and, and then from your Netlify Instance update the repository. Capture d’écran, le 2020-07-24 à 09 53 11

But @budparr might be more knowledgable in this field.

andreweick commented 3 years ago

@regisphilibert @budparr well that was painless! I moved the repo to, updated netlify and, republished, and all seems good -- I'm moving over the "old style drafts: true" to "editorial" ...