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Moth script #157

Open benloh opened 3 years ago

benloh commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @jdanish on May 4, 2021, 09:44


Corey's Writeup from 6/17/2021

I wanted to follow up with you, after our meeting today on COLORS in the Moths activity. I made a NetLogo model-to-think-with, so that we could work with the color, visibility, and mutation/adaptation questions in a context that approximated the activity somewhat. That also means I can show you some of the interactions / visualizations that our group worked with and that motivated the ultimate 'proposal logic' below.

After working with "Team Moths" at Vanderbilt, we decided...

1) we'd like to go with moth colors in a grayscale (the fanciful multi-colored moth ideas we had all ended up with problems related to accessibility, coherence, or scale).

2) we think that a color range of 11 colors for moths works well

3) we want to do 'mutation' (i.e., trait variation in offspring) via selection of one of {parent color, +1, -1, +2, -2 'color slots'}. I have specific logic for all of this, but am summarizing here.

4) in trait variation, we also want to 'clamp' the offspring to the range of 11, (so you can't be more 'bright' than the brightest slot, or more 'dim' than the dimmest)

5) predators will be able to detect a moth if it differs from the background by more than a threshold. This difference is measured in absolute terms (not "moth color slot"), so that the background is actually not limited to the same 11 shades as moths. (This could be useful for doing very gradual changes in the trees, mimicking the industrial revolution change in our historical referent.)

6) we love your moths mockup for (in)visibility, in which, on stopping, moths not visible to predators (i.e., with difference from bkgrnd < threshold) rapidly fade and then 'blink' to allow their human-actors to know where they are.

In working out these ideas, we also identified some interesting activity ideas (e.g., having students lining up by grayscale to create a human histogram that could be discussed in comparison to a generated graph/histogram, etc)

In light of all of the above, we're going to work to update lesson plan in more detail and ensure that everything flows throughout. We believe that all of our shifts in thinking are strict simplifications and/or improvements in technical feasibility, but we want to work it through to make sure. (Specifically, we believe we may have eased some of the technology challenges around Rounds and needs for multiple different views of the world (for predators, etc).)

To Do

benloh commented 3 years ago

changed time estimate to 16h

benloh commented 3 years ago

Design work around moth script spend 1h

benloh commented 3 years ago

added 1h of time spent

benloh commented 3 years ago

Predator Detection


# BLUEPRINT Predator
when Predator sees Moth [[
  ifExpr {{ Moth.prop.isVisibleToPredator.value }} [[
    prop Moth.alpha setMin 1
    featCall Moth.Costume setGlow 0.1
when Predator doesNotSee Moth [[
  ifExpr {{ Moth.prop.isVisibleToPredator.value }} [[
    prop Moth.alpha setMin 0.1
when Predator isCenteredOn Moth [[
  featCall Moth.Costume setGlow 1
  featCall Moth.Movement jitterRotate
  every 2 [[
    // featCall Moth.Population removeAgent
    prop Moth.isInert setTo true
    featCall Predator.Costume setGlow 1
benloh commented 3 years ago

marked the checklist item Predator detection of color differences as completed

benloh commented 3 years ago

marked the checklist item Can wearable moths stay still enough to be interpreted as non-moving, fade away and be invisible? as completed

benloh commented 3 years ago

marked the checklist item Gaining tree energy level on first touch as completed

benloh commented 3 years ago

Unbilled QA stuck predator during turn .75h

benloh commented 3 years ago

Spend 6/4-6/5 add mutation, spawn child tests, qa

benloh commented 3 years ago

added 2h 15m of time spent

benloh commented 3 years ago

marked the checklist item How does a parent pass on their color? as completed

benloh commented 3 years ago

marked the checklist item Handling generational mutation as completed

benloh commented 3 years ago

marked the checklist item AI Moths target new tree if energyLevel < 50% as completed

benloh commented 3 years ago

marked the checklist item Seek random target of blueprint type as completed

benloh commented 3 years ago

marked the checklist item Land when bounds in bounds? as completed

benloh commented 3 years ago

Spend 6/10 wander until inside 2.75h

benloh commented 3 years ago

added 2h 45m of time spent

benloh commented 3 years ago

@coreybrady This makes a lot of sense.

A few clarification questions:

  1. Are all bees just grayscale then?  Or are they shades of a particular color, e.g. beige, or green-tinged?
  2. What are the min and max of those color values?  Are we using the full range from 0 to 1? (e.g. all black to all white)?
  3. Are you still modeling tree foliage and tree trunks differently?  
  4. What are the tree colors? Are they a slightly different color value but the same hue as the moths? Or are they slightly different hues?
benloh commented 3 years ago

Spend design 6/7 0.25h

Spend design 6/17 0.5h

benloh commented 3 years ago

added 45m of time spent

benloh commented 3 years ago

Spend 0.75h team meeting re color design. Unbilled 0.25h.

benloh commented 3 years ago

added 45m of time spent

benloh commented 3 years ago

marked the checklist item 11-point color scale as completed

benloh commented 3 years ago

marked the checklist item gray moths and gray trees as completed

benloh commented 3 years ago

marked the checklist item mutate +/- 2 points along scale as completed

benloh commented 3 years ago

marked the checklist item fade trees between rounds as completed

benloh commented 3 years ago

Student Script Tweaking

From Draft VU implementation Moths Google Doc.

Round 1a: Kids experience predator perspective

Potential Issues

Round 1b: Edit Predator vision

Round 2: Convergence of Traits

Potential Issues

Round 3: AI

Potential Issues

Design/Implementation Questions

benloh commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @jdanish on Jun 28, 2021, 10:22

I think we ultimately do want kids to be able to see the full script for the moth or predator, though one at a time is AOK.

I think highlighting the parameters would be cool, but does that complicate kids adding new parameters? I guess if we assume any parameters added via UI are automatically editable, and then you have to put a parameter in code and not make it editable that'd probably make sense? (I'd need to see what we are talking about, but it feels intuitive).

Eventually we want users to be able to create entire models with multiple rounds without coding skills. So, they'll need access to initScripts for that. However, I am not sure if kids will need access to initScripts for this run. @coreybrady ?

benloh commented 3 years ago

Spend 3.5 6/26 - 6/27 moth script design, script ui, review writeup

benloh commented 3 years ago

added 3h 30m of time spent

benloh commented 3 years ago

Spend 7/18 - 7/26 Moths Script features implementation 29h

benloh commented 3 years ago

added 29h of time spent