The current log was designed for human-readable system events sorted by UADDR (the unique connection ID which changes every time the app is loaded in a browser) that occur infrequently on the timescale of seconds. This corresponds well to things like connections and most user 'actions' that are the result of a seconds-long thought process.
Realtime data needs to be logged on a milliseconds time scale. The proper 2.0 approach probably should involve buffering the raw binary data, and then processing the data into logs upon exit.
Rough raw notes:
Look in:
-- Include a logger object?
RealTime/RTLogger -- high performance logger
The current log was designed for human-readable system events sorted by UADDR (the unique connection ID which changes every time the app is loaded in a browser) that occur infrequently on the timescale of seconds. This corresponds well to things like connections and most user 'actions' that are the result of a seconds-long thought process.
Realtime data needs to be logged on a milliseconds time scale. The proper 2.0 approach probably should involve buffering the raw binary data, and then processing the data into logs upon exit.
Rough raw notes: