Closed mxavi closed 8 years ago
You should be able to access it as "AfterParty::TaskRecord"
Can you tell me which version of Rails and this gem you are using? There was a previously reported issue that should be fixed now with Rails 3.
Will reopen if the issue persists.
I'm having this issue now. rails and after_party 1.10.0 the generated task is calling AfterParty::TaskRecord.create version: '20161018150304'
@theSteveMitchell was there a resolution?
I don't if I am right, but I haven't seen a TaskRecord class after I have run "rails generate after_party:install" command. Is that a problem?
In addition, after I ran "rails generate after_party:task" command this line was generated: "TaskRecord.create :version => '20151217165103'"
Then I've got 'Can't mass-assign protected attributes: version' error