thealeksandr / PFLockScreen-Android

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Any plans to move to BiometricPrompt? #6

Open lectricas opened 5 years ago

lectricas commented 5 years ago

Hi. I'm looking for a good library that can handle fingerprint auth and yours are the best one. But it's build on FingerprintManagerCompat which I thing would be changed over to BiometricPrompt. Not it's available only for 28 API but they are making compat version. So, any plans to move from FingerprintManagerCompat?

thealeksandr commented 5 years ago

@lectricas is it some new Android API? Let me check it

thealeksandr commented 5 years ago

@lectricas I think it something I need to add to the library. So probably gonna add it in beta4

jeremyjcpaul commented 5 years ago

Any update on this? Getting deprecated warnings everywhere at the moment. Thanks!

thealeksandr commented 5 years ago

@jeremyjcpaul yes. Planning to add it to the one of the next version

dkunzler commented 4 years ago

Hi, I don't want to bother you, but any news on this? Would you accept a pull request?

thealeksandr commented 4 years ago

yeah work in progress for BiometricPrompt

Senpai10 commented 4 years ago


Firstly, thanks you so much for your library! It's so nice and easy to use :)

And sorry to bother you but is there a scheduled date for the next release (Biometricprompt)?

Have a nice day

tefracky commented 4 years ago

Hey, is there anything new on it?

dkunzler commented 4 years ago

@Senpai10 @tefracky We included BiometricPrompt for ourselved. Check our repo if you want to have a look.

I would be glad if this would get merged or if you make any comments to #55 @thealeksandr Thanks.