theangryangel /

Crates for working with the Live For Speed Racing Simulator
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refactor: race_director: using bevy_ecs as a basis (WIP) #126

Closed theangryangel closed 5 months ago

theangryangel commented 6 months ago


This adds a very WIP implementation of using bevy_ecs as the fundamental basis for race_director.

It’ll be a very slow burn over the next few weeks.

It will start by

Thought process

I have chosen not to use the bevy and/or bevy_app base crates because:

  1. We dont need anything bar the ecs, and a few helper methods
  2. A few features like Plugins we have slightly needs and can go more bespoke (direct config file integration, for example)
  3. We want tighter control over how and when the schedules run
  4. We probably want our own schedules, and the way the plugin trait currently works its “fork or suck it up” territory


Over Christmas I had a bit of time to fiddle with writing a “scene” system for race_director.

The more time I worked on it the more and more it started looking like a hobbled ECS:

theangryangel commented 5 months ago

Moved to theangryangel/race_directord.