theappbusiness / TABTestKit

Library designed to make writing and maintaining automated tests for iOS applications. This includes automation of bio-metrics and controlling of mock servers
MIT License
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Test continues after failing to find element #150

Open IoanaRusYnap opened 3 years ago

IoanaRusYnap commented 3 years ago


I recently joined a project that uses your framework and came across the following issue. When I have tests that are using Scenario and Steps structure, test is not failing when it does not find an element. I added below a code snap of how a dummy test method looks:

Screenshot 2021-04-30 at 12 09 15

In the above example, if I run the method and the .exists check returns false, the test continues to check if element is .hittable as well. Snap of logs below:

Screenshot 2021-04-30 at 11 50 51

If I don't use a step in the scenario, just add the code in Given outside of the step, it works properly.

I looked for what could cause this and found that if I comment out lines 85-86 from TABTestCase.swift, the example works as expected.

Can you tell me if this behaviour happened for other projects or if there is a solution? Or can we fix it?


msaurikc commented 3 years ago

Hi! I was literally just running some tests to confirm this behaviour. I started a standard iOS project on xcode without modifying anything, I added TABTestKit pod and created a dummy scenario, similar to what @IoanaRusYnap shows. I have the same issue. Test execution continues regardless of any failure. There can be multiple failures in a single scenario

This will continue executing past function stepFails that only has XCTFail with a message

    func test_example() {
        Scenario("Using steps") {
            Given(I: see(Label(id: "Hello, world!")))
            When(the: stepFails())
            Then(I: doNotSee(Label(id: "Hello, world!")))
            And(the: otherStepFailsToo())

If written like this, it fails and stops the execution as expected.

    func test_example_no_steps() {
        Scenario("without using steps") {
            see(Label(id: "Hello, world!"))
            doNotSee(Label(id: "Hello, world!"))