thearn / webcam-pulse-detector

A python application that detects and highlights the heart-rate of an individual (using only their own webcam) in real-time.
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Got troubles when installing OpenMDAO and the OpenMDAO.lib.datatypes.api #16

Open XNH opened 11 years ago

XNH commented 11 years ago

When I have got OpenMDAO 0.5.5 installed, I can activate it,but got troubles in the test,and when I run the,there is "No module named OpenMDAO.lib.datatypes.api."

I think there must be something wrong in the OpenMDAO,but I have no idea how to fix it.

Is there anyone who has ran this project? I need your help,thank you!

thearn commented 11 years ago

Hm, that is very strange. When you ran, it was using an activated environment, right?

XNH commented 11 years ago

Yes, an activated environment. I type Scripts\activate to activate openmdao,but doing the openmdao test shows 101 errors. So I think there is something wrong about the openmdao.

I install the pythonxy,with scipy,numpy in the pythonxy. I can run the "webcam_test",so I think openmdao may get wrong.

OpenMDAO.lib.datatypes.api comes from OpenMDAO. RIGHT? Thank you very much for your attention!

XNH commented 11 years ago

@thearn I actually ran in an activated environment. The OpenMDAO test shows it is installed successfully,But still get "No module named openmdao.lib.datatypes.api". My system is Windows7. I found the in the folder of OpenMDAO,But it seems OpenMDAO does not recognize it. Thank you for attention!

Hm,will this program get right with Linux? Somebody say it can work on Linux. I will spend another days working on Windows,if failed,I'll try this on linux.

thearn commented 11 years ago

I know that there is a version conflict with enthought traits (package called "ETS" when setting up python(x,y)), between the version installed by python(x,y) and the version used by OpenMDAO. It's something we're looking at fixing.

For now (and I realize it's not a great solution), if you remove Traits from the system level python27\Lib\site-packages, that should fix that particular conflict.

Linux should work fine as well (I develop on OSX and Ubuntu most of the time), so long as all dependencies are satisfied.

nipunbatra commented 11 years ago

@XNH : Are you very sure you have an activated environment. I missed adding the "." in the command to activate and got the same error.

This is when i didn't add a "." before activating.

root@nipun-Satellite-L850:/home/nipun/git/webcam-pulse-detector/openmdao-0.7.0/bin# ./activate

Nothing happened. I thought activation was complete and then if i try running getpulse, i get the same error as yours.

Now if i add "." and activate:

root@nipun-Satellite-L850:/home/nipun/git/webcam-pulse-detector/openmdao-0.7.0/bin# . ./activate

The opendmao-0.7.0 is prepended showing activation and now everything works fine!

Possibly related to #17