thearn / webcam-pulse-detector

A python application that detects and highlights the heart-rate of an individual (using only their own webcam) in real-time.
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face recognition implementation is racist #27

Closed paulbrodersen closed 9 years ago

paulbrodersen commented 9 years ago

I am testing the no-openmdao branch and whenever my non-Caucasian friends want to try it out, the face recognition fails to detect them. It works great for me though (I am a whitey).

thearn commented 9 years ago

Hm, that's odd. I've also tested it with my non-white friends and it didn't seem to have any trouble. I'm using the built in haar face detection cascade in OpenCV. It might be worth trying one of the other haar cascade files included in the repository to see if there is another one that seems more generally applicable.