thearyadev / MSRF

Automates Microsoft rewards.
Apache License 2.0
62 stars 9 forks source link

Error recieving. Please help #17

Closed uraieqr closed 1 year ago

uraieqr commented 1 year ago

I am getting an error in the script...

I would really like if you could pls help me

thearyadev commented 1 year ago

Hello. Thanks for providing the error report, it’s a big help. I’m currently working on expanding the error reports to be more helpful so i can more easily address problems.

Some errors may pop up, but do not prevent the program from running.

Before we start, what version of msrf are you running?

It seems that the Microsoft rewards data is malformed/different from what i see during testing. This data is parsed by the program to filter out unnecessary data, that being said, it doesn’t show the full story when a problem arises. (This is something im currently working on addressing)

To get more information on this specifically, please do the following:

  1. Open Chrome and navigate to and ensure that you are logged into the Microsoft account having the problem.
  2. Press f12 or open your Chrome Developer tools.
  3. At the top of the new window that pops up, there should be a tab called console.
  4. This will show a new page where you can enter a command into a text field, and it will run that JavaScript code. In the text box near the bottom of the console tab, type dashboard then press enter.
  5. Once the command is sent, it will print out a JSON object with the keyword dashboard. Right click on this, then click copy object
  6. It will place that into your clipboard.


The information copied is the same data that’s in the error report, no personal information is there.

It is the raw rewards information which will let me see the structure of the data so i can address any bugs that may exist.

Paste that text in a text file and include it here in this GitHub issue.

thearyadev commented 1 year ago

I'm also currently investigating multiple region support. I test in Canada so i dont have easy access to that information.

What region is the account? What region are you running it from?

uraieqr commented 1 year ago

Hi @thearyadev ! Love how you responded fast enough. Here is the data you requested - { "userStatus": { "levelInfo": { "activeLevel": "Level1", "activeLevelName": "Level 1", "progress": 161, "progressMax": 500, "levels": [ { "key": "Level1", "active": true, "name": "Level 1", "tasks": [ { "text": "Free and included with your Microsoft account", "url": null } ], "privileges": [ { "text": "3 points per Bing Search, up to 30 points per day", "url": "//" }, { "text": "1 point per $1 spent in Microsoft Store, plus earn bonus points on select purchases", "url": "//" }, { "text": "Points for exploring offers from Microsoft Rewards", "url": "/rewards/dashboard" }, { "text": "Access to member sales and discounts", "url": null }, { "text": "Redeem your points for gift cards, sweepstakes entries, or donate them to charity", "url": "/rewards/redeem" } ] }, { "key": "Level2", "active": false, "name": "Level 2", "tasks": [ { "text": "Earn at least 500 points each month", "url": null } ], "privileges": [ { "text": "3 points per Bing Search, up to 150 points per day", "url": "//" }, { "text": "Level 1 Microsoft Store benefits, plus exclusive Level 2 bonus offers", "url": null }, { "text": "Points for exploring offers from Microsoft Rewards", "url": "/rewards/dashboard" }, { "text": "Access to member sales and discounts, with exclusives for Level 2 members", "url": null }, { "text": "Get up to 10% off when redeeming rewards from Microsoft brands", "url": null } ] } ], "benefitsPromotion": { "benefits": [ { "key": "BingSearch", "text": "Daily Bing search point limit (3 points per search)", "url": "", "helpText": " The Level 2 Bing search benefit is the sum of 150 points on PC and 100 points on mobile", "supportedLevels": { "level1": "50", "level2": "250", "level2XBoxGold": "250" } }, { "key": "EdgeSearch", "text": "Bing search bonus daily cap for Microsoft Edge ", "url": "", "helpText": null, "supportedLevels": { "level1": "5", "level2": "20", "level2XBoxGold": "20" } }, { "key": "PointsDollarSpent", "text": "Points earned per $ spent in Microsoft Store online", "url": "", "helpText": "Qualifying content only. See more for details.", "supportedLevels": { "level1": "1:1", "level2": "10:1", "level2XBoxGold": "20:1" } }, { "key": "PointsSeeDailyOffers", "text": "Points for exploring daily offers", "url": "", "helpText": null, "supportedLevels": { "level1": "", "level2": "", "level2XBoxGold": "" } }, { "key": "MemberDiscounts", "text": "Access to exclusive member sales and discounts", "url": null, "helpText": null, "supportedLevels": { "level2": "", "level2XBoxGold": "" } }, { "key": "MemberInvites", "text": "Occasional surprise invites to exclusive member-only events", "url": null, "helpText": null, "supportedLevels": { "level2": "", "level2XBoxGold": "" } }, { "key": "RedeemOff", "text": "Up to 10% off when redeeming from Microsoft brands", "url": null, "helpText": null, "supportedLevels": { "level2": "", "level2XBoxGold": "" } } ], "supportedLevelKeys": [ "level1", "level2", "level2XBoxGold" ], "supportedLevelTitles": [ "Level 1", "Level 2", "Level 2
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", "legalText": "", "showcaseTitle": "Unlock a universe of experiences", "showcaseDescription": "Compete with a global community of millions across multiple battlefields with Riot Games. Redeemable in League of Legends, Teamfight Tactics, Legends of Runeterra and VALORANT" }, "showcase": false, "showcaseInAllCategory": false, "originalPrice": 1500, "discountedPrice": 1500, "popular": false, "isTestOnly": false, "groupId": "000485000000", "inGroup": true, "isDefaultItemInGroup": true, "groupTitle": "League of Legends Gift Card", "groupImageUrl": "medium/000400000359_262x164.png", "groupShowcaseImageUrl": "showcasev2/000400000359_644x360.png", "instantWinGameId": "", "instantWinPlayAgainSku": "", "isLowInStock": false, "isOutOfStock": false, "getCodeMessage": "", "disableEmail": false, "stockMessage": "", "comingSoonFlag": false, "isGenericDonation": false }, { "name": "000485000001", "price": 6500, "provider": "tango", "category": "Shop", "title": "League of Legends Gift Card—575 RP", "smallImageUrl": "small/000400000359_142x142.png", "mediumImageUrl": "medium/000400000359_262x164.png", "largeImageUrl": "large/000400000359_310x216.png", "largeShowcaseImageUrl": "showcasev2/000400000359_644x360.png", "description": { "itemGroupText": "650 RP", "smallText": "", "largeText": "<div class=\"prizeText\">\r\n

Compete with a global community of millions across multiple battlefields with Riot Games. Redeemable in League of Legends, Teamfight Tactics, Legends of Runeterra and VALORANT.

\r\n<p class=\"paddingtop10\">Terms and Conditions: This Riot Games (\"RG\") Virtual Currency (\"VC\") card (this \"Card\") permits you to purchase VC to the value of the amount printed on the front of this Card for use only at the Riot Games online stores and Riot Games clients listed at <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\"> Except as required by law, the value of this Card will not be replaced if lost, stolen, destroyed or used without permission. For the full terms and conditions governing the use of this card, please visit <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">prepaidcards.riotgames.

\r\n<p class=\"SmallFont paddingtop10\">© 2022 Riot Games, Inc. LEAGUE OF LEGENDS, TEAMFIGHT TACTICS, LEGENDS OF RUNETERRA, and VALORANT are trademarks, service marks, and/or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc.

", "legalText": "", "showcaseTitle": "Unlock a universe of experiences", "showcaseDescription": "Compete with a global community of millions across multiple battlefields with Riot Games. Redeemable in League of Legends, Teamfight Tactics, Legends of Runeterra and VALORANT" }, "showcase": false, "showcaseInAllCategory": false, "originalPrice": 6500, "discountedPrice": 6500, "popular": false, "isTestOnly": false, "groupId": "000485000000", "inGroup": true, "isDefaultItemInGroup": false, "groupTitle": "League of Legends Gift Card", "groupImageUrl": "medium/000400000359_262x164.png", "groupShowcaseImageUrl": "showcasev2/000400000359_644x360.png", "instantWinGameId": "", "instantWinPlayAgainSku": "", "isLowInStock": false, "isOutOfStock": false, "getCodeMessage": "", "disableEmail": false, "stockMessage": "", "comingSoonFlag": false, "isGenericDonation": false }, { "name": "000485000003", "price": 1800, "provider": "tango", "category": "Shop", "title": "Overwatch Digital Code—200 Coins", "smallImageUrl": "small/000400000383_142x142.png", "mediumImageUrl": "medium/000400000383_262x164.png", "largeImageUrl": "large/000400000383_310x216.png", "largeShowcaseImageUrl": "showcasev2/000400000383_644x360.png", "description": { "itemGroupText": "200 coins", "smallText": "", "largeText": "<div class=\"prizeText\">

Overwatch 2 is a free-to-play, team-based action game set in the optimistic future, where every match is the ultimate 5v5 battlefield brawl. Play as a time-jumping freedom fighter, a beat-dropping battlefield DJ, or one of over 30 other unique heroes as you battle it out around the globe.

<p class=\"paddingtop10\">With your Overwatch Coins, you can buy the Premium Battle Pass and in-game cosmetics items to customize your heroes. Owners of the Premium Battle Pass can also use Overwatch Coins to unlock Tiers and instantly access Legendary and Mythic content.

<p class=\"SmallFont paddingtop10\">Overwatch Coins Digital Code Terms and Conditions

<p class=\"SmallFont paddingtop10\">Standard terms and conditions for the and Overwatch 2 apply for the redemption of codes and use of Coins, including a account in good standing that has access to the game, Internet Connection and a platform to play the game that meets the minimum system requirements for Overwatch 2.  Codes must be redeemed on or before December 31, 2023.

", "legalText": "", "showcaseTitle": "Overwatch Coins are now available for redemption", "showcaseDescription": "For a limited time get 200 Overwatch Coins for only 1800 points!" }, "showcase": false, "showcaseInAllCategory": false, "originalPrice": 1800, "discountedPrice": 1800, "popular": false, "isTestOnly": false, "groupId": "000485000003", "inGroup": true, "isDefaultItemInGroup": true, "groupTitle": "Overwatch Coins Digital Code", "groupImageUrl": "medium/000400000383_262x164.png", "groupShowcaseImageUrl": "showcasev2/000400000383_644x360.png", "instantWinGameId": "", "instantWinPlayAgainSku": "", "isLowInStock": false, "isOutOfStock": false, "getCodeMessage": "", "disableEmail": false, "stockMessage": "", "comingSoonFlag": false, "isGenericDonation": false }, { "name": "000485000004", "price": 5000, "provider": "tango", "category": "Shop", "title": "Overwatch Digital Code—500 Coins", "smallImageUrl": "small/000400000383_142x142.png", "mediumImageUrl": "medium/000400000383_262x164.png", "largeImageUrl": "large/000400000383_310x216.png", "largeShowcaseImageUrl": "showcasev2/000400000383_644x360.png", "description": { "itemGroupText": "500 coins", "smallText": "", "largeText": "<div class=\"prizeText\">

Overwatch 2 is a free-to-play, team-based action game set in the optimistic future, where every match is the ultimate 5v5 battlefield brawl. Play as a time-jumping freedom fighter, a beat-dropping battlefield DJ, or one of over 30 other unique heroes as you battle it out around the globe.

<p class=\"paddingtop10\">With your Overwatch Coins, you can buy the Premium Battle Pass and in-game cosmetics items to customize your heroes. Owners of the Premium Battle Pass can also use Overwatch Coins to unlock Tiers and instantly access Legendary and Mythic content.

<p class=\"SmallFont paddingtop10\">Overwatch Coins Digital Code Terms and Conditions

<p class=\"SmallFont paddingtop10\">Standard terms and conditions for the and Overwatch 2 apply for the redemption of codes and use of Coins, including a account in good standing that has access to the game, Internet Connection and a platform to play the game that meets the minimum system requirements for Overwatch 2.  Codes must be redeemed on or before December 31, 2023.

", "legalText": "", "showcaseTitle": "Overwatch Coins are now available for redemption", "showcaseDescription": "For a limited time get 200 Overwatch Coins for only 1800 points!" }, "showcase": false, "showcaseInAllCategory": false, "originalPrice": 5000, "discountedPrice": 5000, "popular": false, "isTestOnly": false, "groupId": "000485000003", "inGroup": true, "isDefaultItemInGroup": false, "groupTitle": "Overwatch Coins Digital Code", "groupImageUrl": "medium/000400000383_262x164.png", "groupShowcaseImageUrl": "showcasev2/000400000383_644x360.png", "instantWinGameId": "", "instantWinPlayAgainSku": "", "isLowInStock": false, "isOutOfStock": false, "getCodeMessage": "", "disableEmail": false, "stockMessage": "", "comingSoonFlag": false, "isGenericDonation": false } ], "coachMarks": {}, "welcomeTour": { "promotion": null, "slides": [] } }

Also i am using edge for accounts and reward stuff so this is the code from edge not chrome although it should not make any difference.

This account is from India region I am using normal (India) and VPN (Italy) once respectively per day..

I also wanted to ask you that when do the activities reset? and how do i get mobile search bonus? I do not see it in my points breakdown.

Thank you Regards

thearyadev commented 1 year ago

Thank you!

I will look into this more. I’ll be tracking updates in this issue It does seem like there are differences in the data. I’m also looking into some problems with other things specific to page components in other regions.

I don’t have an ETA for this, as testing on different regions takes significantly more time.

I also wanted to ask you that when do the activities reset?

The daily set resets at midnight, of the region of the account (i think, haven’t tested this). The “More Promotions” section also adds items at midnight, but I’ve seen it happens throughout the day as well. Punch cards refresh once per month. Searches do not reset at midnight though, I’m not entirely sure when they reset.

and how do i get mobile search bonus? I do not see it in my points breakdown.

Microsoft rewards has a level system. Level 1 and Level 2 have different benefits and earning options.

To reach level 2 you must earn 500 points for that month. Level 2 increases the maximum points gained from searches, as well as enabling earning points from mobile searches. There’s a tab on the main page of rewards that says something like “Status”. There you can see your current level, and progress to next level.

From the data, it says you’re 161/500 points.

Thank you for providing me with the data, it’s a big help in addressing some of these problems. As i mentioned earlier I’ll be recording updates in the GitHub issue i linked at the top of this reply. I will be closing this issue now.