theastropath / turbot

A Discord bot for tracking Animal Crossing: New Horizons turnip prices and fossil collections
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Weather Prediction #185

Open lexicalunit opened 4 years ago

lexicalunit commented 4 years ago

Using you can predict weather. There's some work you have to do by visiting the site and going to the seed tab to get your island's seed before you can do this.

Allow users to input their seed once they've figured it out

!pref seed 104308659

Add the seed preference to your user's info embed

Here's a terrible mock-up, but you get the idea. Screen Shot 2020-06-18 at 11 39 47 AM

Maybe clicking on the seed number takes you to your data, for example the URL for me with this seed would be:

Add a !weather command

By default this could provide the weather for the current day starting from the current user's time of day and going forward.

Just some ideas of features that could exist as part of the !weather command:

!weather month - get a summary of the weather for the current month
!weather week - get a summary of the weather for the current week
!weather 2020-11-11 - details of a particular day
!weather next meteor - when's my next meteor shower?
!weather next rain - when will it rain again?
!weather url - would return something like

Is this possible: Use the website's API so you don't even need to go to it?

Not sure if this is even possible but maybe there's a way you could do something like:

!weather log sunny

And it'd append that data entry to your island's data so you could work towards getting your seed without ever needing to go to the site and do it manually. I don't know how it would handle running the seed search in this case and there's a hell of a lot of details and stuff so maybe this is just a bad idea... but I thought I'd float the idea 🤷‍♀️