theatlantic / thumbor-video-engine

An engine and tools for manipulating videos with thumbor using ffmpeg
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Questions: disabling ffmpeg execution for mp4 if no filter or resize provided + forcing only still plugin availability #5

Open SimonLuckenuik opened 3 years ago

SimonLuckenuik commented 3 years ago


We just started using Thumbor and this video engine and it seems that by default, if no filter or sizing is provided, the video is still going through ffmpeg instead of returning directly the original media as is.

Also, we are planning on only using the still image plugin to get a frame from the video and deliver the original videos directly from CDN, Is there anyway do disable the transcoding of the video and only keeping the still plugin (or maybe use the still plugin by default)? I did not see anything special about that in the configuration.


fdintino commented 3 years ago

At least for our purposes, this works as intended, because we have finer control over the compression quality of the transcoded video than we do of source videos. But I can see the case for there being a setting to override this behavior.

I hadn't considered the use case of only using the still plugin.

Later in the week I'll take a look at how difficult it would be to make those changes.

SimonLuckenuik commented 3 years ago

Thank you @fdintino for the quick response and thanks for that plugin, it was a real time saver for us, we were up and running within minutes!

Just to give you an idea of the use case we have:

At some point, we might be using the transcoding/resizing for mobile users mainly, but not for now, considering that our videos will be mainly short clips.