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Studio - mousewheel+shift on chrome windows always zooms out #19

Closed RuiOrey closed 2 years ago

RuiOrey commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for the amazing library, it is being ultra useful. I'm facing an issue:

Was able to circumvent this by @AriaMinaei advice of dragging the lower scrollbar to scale and for now is good to go for me. But anyway here is the bug report. Thanks!

AriaMinaei commented 2 years ago

Thanks @RuiOrey. The behavior seems to be a bug with windows that I don't have the setup to reproduce right now.

If someone wants to contribute, the relevant line is here.

jmyrland commented 2 years ago

I'm not able to reproduce this in chrome on windows.

shift+ scroll slides the sequence viewport from right to left (which I assume is the correct behaviour): vSgMo4KN2K

However, the scrollbar on the bottom is not updated when shift + scroll-ing.

ctrl + scroll does work for zooming, but it is in my case a little "unpredictable": CTDS008UT3

As you can see, each time I zoom in using scroll (to be clear; in the example above, I'm scrolling 1 tick forward), it zooms in way to far. Zooming out seems to be working fine though.

RuiOrey commented 2 years ago

yes, sorry I was using ctrl +scroll, not shift + scroll. yes that is what happens to me also using ctrl

jmyrland commented 2 years ago

yes, sorry I was using ctrl +scroll, not shift + scroll.

No worries, I just wanted to clarify 👍

Is this just an issue in windows though? 🤔 I don't have another device to test on atm, but it sounds wierd to me that this is an OS specific issue.

jmyrland commented 2 years ago

I was not able to reproduce your issue (always zooming out), as I am able to zoom in and out using ctrl + scroll. But the zooming is a little bit "off", as it does not seem to respect the "pivot point" at which you are zooming. I've tried fixing it, but to no avail 😢

I have done one quality of life change (#30); when zooming outwards, it is now bounded to the sequence length. Previously, zooming outwards could be done "infinately", which causes some annoing issues. This is perticularly annoyng, as the "zoom-in" feature does not seem to respect the "pivot point". So to fix it, you have to manually drag the scrollbar: uaLZqXZXKc