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[Bug] - Type:Number - Multiple inputs break #314

Closed tomorrowevening closed 1 year ago

tomorrowevening commented 1 year ago

Using nudgeMultiplier and range currently only uses range.

import { types as t } from '@theatre/core'

  .object('Example', {
    multiplierWorks: t.number(0, { nudgeMultiplier: 1 }),
    rangeWorks: t.number(0, { range: [-1, 100] }),
    nudgeError: t.number(0, { nudgeMultiplier: 1, range: [-1, 100] }),
  .onValuesChange((values: any) => {
tomorrowevening commented 1 year ago

I'm assuming the nudge is being applied before the range, but the range uses the original variable vs the updated-nudged variable

vezwork commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the bug report @tomorrowevening! I'll try to take a closer look at this next week :)

vezwork commented 1 year ago

Hey @tomorrowevening, thanks for your patience. I tested locally with this code:

const objConfig = {
  startingPoint: {
    x: types.number(0.5, {range: [-1, 1], nudgeMultiplier: -1}),
    y: types.number(0.5, {range: [0, 1]}),
  scale: types.number(1, {range: [0.1, 1000]}),

and it seems that I have an inverted number slider (nudgeMultiplier -1) and it is between -1 and 1 as I would expect if both range and nudgeMultiplier are working at the same time. What version of Theatre are you on? Are you able to record a video of the bug you're facing?

tomorrowevening commented 1 year ago

Neither work - I was using 0.5.0-rc.3, then tried 0.5.0, but am seeing it in both places...

tomorrowevening commented 1 year ago

I'd also advice to keep the nudgeMultiplier to a positive number, inversion feels counterintuitive to UI

vezwork commented 1 year ago

@tomorrowevening in the code you shared in the issue, you are using a nudgeMultiplier of 1 which will not affect the nudge rate. What nudgeMultipliers are you using in the video you shared?

tomorrowevening commented 1 year ago

@vezwork The above video uses the code you recommended. Nudging with 1 works when I don't specify the range, when both are applied, nudge isn't used

vezwork commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Hmm, I'm still not sure what is causing this issue. I'm not sure what you mean that "nudging with 1 works" because a nudgeMultipler of 1 should not change the nudge speed from the default speed.

Can you confirm if using {range: [-1, 1], nudgeMultiplier: 4} changes the nudge speed for you? If it doesn't work, would you able to share a codesandbox or a GitHub repo reproducing this issue? I haven't yet been able to reproduce it on my end.

tomorrowevening commented 1 year ago

Same as before.

Things should work like this:

export function lerp(min: number, max: number, value: number) {
  return min * (1 - value) + max * value;

export function clamp(min: number, max: number, value: number) {
  return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, value));

export function roundTo(value: number, digits: number = 1): number {
  return Number(value.toFixed(digits));

type UpdateParams = {
  nudge?: number
  range?: Array<number>
export function update(start: number, end: number, percent: number, params?: UpdateParams): number {
  let updated = lerp(start, end, percent)
  if (params?.nudge !== undefined) updated = roundTo(updated, params.nudge)
  if (params?.range !== undefined) updated = clamp(params.range[0], params.range[1], updated)
  return updated

Currently it does something like this, where it doesn't account for the updated variable:

export function update(start: number, end: number, percent: number, params?: UpdateParams): number {
  const updated = lerp(start, end, percent)
  if (params?.range !== undefined) return clamp(params.range[0], params.range[1], updated)
  if (params?.nudge !== undefined) return roundTo(updated, params.nudge)
  return updated
clementroche commented 1 year ago

I'm experiencing the same

vezwork commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the discussion! I have finally figured out what is going wrong. The nudgeMultiplier is technically always taken into account, but when a range is present it changes the behaviour of the nudge, and the nudgeMultiplier may behave unexpectedly.

if (range && !range.includes(Infinity) && !range.includes(-Infinity)) {
  return (
    deltaFraction * (range[1] - range[0]) * magnitude * config.nudgeMultiplier

return deltaX * magnitude * config.nudgeMultiplier

Will experiment with this behaviour and will try to put up a PR and ask y'all how it feels!

vezwork commented 1 year ago

If I understand correctly, y'all want a config option that sets the nudge amount to a specific value, such that if you have two different ranges, but the same nudge config, your nudge amounts will be the same in both the ranges.

vezwork commented 1 year ago

@tomorrowevening please check out #329 to see if it would resolve your issue. You can test an example of the new behaviour in the playground here. I added an option so the nudge will behave in a way that I believe you will like. I found out that the existing behaviour was intentional so that the nudge would be proportional to the range. So, I had to add an option nudgeIgnoreRange rather than making this the default behaviour because otherwise it results in small ranges being unusable.

tomorrowevening commented 1 year ago

I think you're over thinking the issue, adding an additional variable isn't necessary, just addressing the current method:

deltaFraction * (range[1] - range[0]) * magnitude * config.nudgeMultiplier

won't always necessarily return the nudged value amount if the starting value isn't the same, so if I want the number to nudge by 1, but the starting value is 0.1, then every increment will be 1.1, 2.1, etc, rather than the intended integers.

clementroche commented 1 year ago

I would expect to step (nudgeMultiplier) value inside the range. So for a defined [1,2] range with 0.1 nudgeMultiplier, options are 1, 1.1 ... 1.9, 2

I don't think ignoreNudgeMultiplier is necessary

tomorrowevening commented 1 year ago

Yea exactly, same here

clementroche commented 1 year ago

Also i'm questionning the choice of "nudgeMultiplier" name, why not simply "step" ?

tomorrowevening commented 1 year ago

"Step" seems more clear, less writing too

vezwork commented 1 year ago

Yes, I understand where you are coming from.

Currently, nudgeMultiplier does not act as a step when there is a range present, but it does always scale the amount of nudge from mouse movement. The current behaviour is intended and not a bug. I understand that for you both this behaviour is unexpected, unintuitive and not what you want. It was made this way so that ranges can quickly be nudged from end-to-end, no matter how large the range is; and I agree that a step option may have made more sense than a nudgeMultiplier.

Now, to avoid making breaking changes, I may not be able to remove nudgeMultiplier in favour of a step option, because other users are using nudgeMultiplier (edit: I asked below if this would be possible). I am also not able to keep nudgeMultiplier and add step because these two options would conflict. This is why I added a nudgeIgnoreRange option... With nudgeIgnoreRange, nudgeMultiplyer will behave as a step (how you both would like) even if a range is specified.

vezwork commented 1 year ago

@AriaMinaei what would you think about deprecating nudgeMultiplier in favour of a step option for types.number? TL;DR of the disccusion: nudgeMultiplier has unexpected, unwanted, and unintuitive behaviour when the range option is present.

clementroche commented 1 year ago

Well maybe we can release it in the next major version and let users know ? I'm assuiming users are aware theatre.js is still under heavy developement and api could change frequently.

tomorrowevening commented 1 year ago

Yea, perhaps in the next major. Both DAT.GUI and Tweakpane use step, seems an easy transition for users

clementroche commented 1 year ago

Leva aswell

AriaMinaei commented 1 year ago

Hope I'm not overthinking this but here's my 2 EUR:

Given that, do y'all need the step param as a type constraint or just as a UX modifier for nudge? (If it's just a UX modifier, then if the user manually enters a value like 0.5 when step: 1, it'll be accepted as 0.5. And then nudging from there will take it to 1.5, 2.5 and so on).

clementroche commented 1 year ago

Just as UX modifier would be fine imo, it make sense only using mouse. I'm ok with keeping nudgeMultiplier as it is now, what we really need is to be able to use both range and nudgemultiplier at the same time

tomorrowevening commented 1 year ago

Yea I agree

clementroche commented 1 year ago

Any news about that ?

tomorrowevening commented 1 year ago

I guess I'll work on it this week

tomorrowevening commented 1 year ago

@vezwork can you take a look at my PR?

vezwork commented 1 year ago

@tomorrowevening thanks for #368 :) I'm no longer working on Theatre so I can't review your PR. I'll pass it on to @AriaMinaei and @AndrewPrifer.

AriaMinaei commented 1 year ago

I'll review tomorrow ;)