theatre-js / theatre

Motion design editor for the web
Apache License 2.0
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insert sequence #442

Open Johnly1986 opened 9 months ago

Johnly1986 commented 9 months ago

Now in the sequence editor, you can easily drag a key frame to change the time, but sometimes I want to drag a frame to make the subsequent frames automatically move back. Is there such a function? I tried holding down shift to select all the subsequent frames, but it becomes very troublesome when there are a lot of frames, and shift cannot select key frames outside the window. please help me

excitedbox commented 7 months ago

It would be good to have a virtual keyframe/marker that selects the whole sequence. Some systems have a different shape symbol in the center of a sequence for this purpose.

Johnly1986 commented 7 months ago

When there are a lot of keyframes (hundreds), it becomes extremely difficult to operate the sequence, and dragging these keyframes is very stuck. I hope the author will optimize it.