theatre-js / theatre

Motion design editor for the web
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Add focus range #94

Closed fulopkovacs closed 2 years ago

linear[bot] commented 2 years ago
THE-110 Focus Range

# Description A way to temporarily focus playback to a certain range We had this in the older theatre [0d51f4f7-6b30-4ebd-b3f7-b223bd0943cc]( # Hints * Ask Aria for how to save the focus' state on the store * Ask Aria for how to read the state reactively (hint: use `usePrism()`) * Use the existing context menu hook `useContextMenu()` * Find out where in the code, the `spacebar` key is read. You probably have to read it in your own component, so you can capture those keypresses

fulopkovacs commented 2 years ago

Status: WIP, not ready to merge!

I have reached the point where we have a messy Focus Range with dragable and movable handles for the start and end points of the range. It also controls the playback once you moved the handles AND restarted the playback. I have some thoughts on how to proceed, but a review now would save us a few other ones in the future. :laughing: A Slack-huddle/Zoom call would be appreciated, since I have a few questions.

AriaMinaei commented 2 years ago

Looks like the drag gesture has a drift in FF depending on zoom level, but not in Chrome.

netlify[bot] commented 2 years ago

Deploy Preview for theatrejs-playground failed.

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fulopkovacs commented 2 years ago

Current state of the PR:

fulopkovacs commented 2 years ago

Current status after the 1st review: