thebaer / MMRA

Make Medium Readable Again — a browser extension
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Make Comment Links Clickable Again #46

Open ghost opened 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

Whenever I'm reading the comments on, this shithole website decides that should I try to middle-click a link, they will open a new window for me that displays just the comment that I clicked instead of going to the place that I wanted to go to.

That's because links in the comment section are represented like this:

  class="markup--anchor markup--p-anchor"

The feature that I'm proposing would replace those spans with <a> tags. As a byproduct of this feature their click tracking for these links would also be disabled.

I can probably build this. I'm working on my own Chrome extension right now and I'm familiar with the environment. So, I'm just leaving this here as a note in the hopes that I can get to this soon.

thebaer commented 5 years ago

Yes! This behavior bugs the shit out of me too. I've complained to them about it before and they said they'd fix it, but still no change in the years since then. Eliminating the click tracking would be a nice side effect, too.