thebarbican19 / BatteryBoi

The battery app your Mac's been dreaming about behind your back.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Different icons on dual screen setup #26

Open liqfx opened 1 year ago

liqfx commented 1 year ago

I've noticed when running dual screen setup (MacBook pro and an external monitor) the primary display in use shows the configured icon, but the alternate screen not in use is a solid black icon.

When you move to the other screen the icons swap.

Would be nice for the icons to be in sync across both screens like the system power icon.

In the screenshot the left screen is the primary display in use.


thebarbican19 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for pointing this out. I agree, the problem is that I do not have a second monitor to test this on at the moment which makes development quite difficult. I will keep this ticket open as clearly it's a good idea and should be implemented.

kannicht commented 1 year ago

@thebarbican19: maybe you have an iPad which you might utilize as a second screen (SideCar)? ;)

thebarbican19 commented 1 year ago

Don't have one of those either @kannicht. But if you wanna donate one, I would happily take it.