thebarbican19 / BatteryBoi

The battery app your Mac's been dreaming about behind your back.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Access to Calendar Onboarding #52

Open joostiphone opened 11 months ago

joostiphone commented 11 months ago


Can you explain why it asks for access to the calendar?

thebarbican19 commented 11 months ago

Yes, there is now a (experimental) feature where BatteryBoi calculates if your battery is sufficient for a meeting. If a meeting is 1 hour, and the expected time to depletion is 30 mins then a notification will trigger before you start the meeting.

This is an experimental feature only available for a few test users selected at random. I will be adding more context about this notification in a future update so I will leave this open.

a-tokarev commented 9 months ago

Well, I have been one of these 'randoms' ) When BB asked for the Calendar & Bluetooth access, I, of course, denied it. Reason being: the new unfamiliar app is asking for the permissions which it hardly requires to operate (at least, it does not explain it to me, what does it need them for). Suggestion: please let BB explain the need for the permissions when (or before) it asks for them.

thebarbican19 commented 9 months ago

Understandable @a-tokarev, it was a failed experiment. It will be removed in the upcoming 2.5 release. Which you can read more about here