thebennybox-Community / Community-Compiler

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GLSL Integration #7

Open Platin21 opened 6 years ago

Platin21 commented 6 years ago

It would be nice but we will have definitely a hard time to support it. As we will then need to create api specific code from glsl code. As there are some platforms that do not support glsl in its last iteration and will not support it in the long term. So this would be then a compiler inside a compiler for compiling GLSL into the code generation. It would also need to call the platform shader compiler as for example in metal you don't compile in runtime.

jorolf commented 6 years ago

On discord we talked about having seamless integration into glsl. something like accessing uniforms from the processor like any other variable

Myvar commented 6 years ago

Yes this could be one of the awesome getures @jorolf