thebezelproject / BezelProject

The Bezel Project installer script
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Install Instructions Don't Work #10

Open chewvodka opened 6 years ago

chewvodka commented 6 years ago

I tried to follow the instructions exactly as written, using a keyboard and pressing F4..

It downloads the script ok, but the CHMOD command fails saying "Permission Denied". It probably doesn't work because of the path the script is located in, where the "retropiemenu" folder is only available to ROOT level users, and not the "PI" user that RetroPie is logged in with. I was able to do it with a "sudo". However, upon rebooting, the script doesn't show up in the RetroPie menu of EmulatationStation. I tried to execute it manually, but it still fails. Doing a "bash ./" got the script to run, but again it fails doing the "Update Script" bit. Looks like it's all a permission issue. I have it downloading MAME right now, we'll see what happens.

thebezelproject commented 6 years ago

The directory you change into is owned by user "pi" already. When you press F4 from within Emulation Station, you are automatically user "pi" no sudo/root stuff needed.

Make sure you are in the proper directory before you issue the wget command. That'll download the script into the /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/ folder for you. By default, having the script there, it'll automatically show in the Emulation Station "RetroPie" menu.

You can also use PUTTY to remote into your Pi and issue the commands that way too.

Just make sure to "cd /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/" first to get into the right directory.

chewvodka commented 6 years ago

I've done all that. I've been playing around with RetroPie a couple of years now, so I know how to navigate inside the terminal. I still get all kinds of permission errors unless I use sudo and start the script with bash. I can confirm though that having done those things, the install of the various bezels did work. I had a few instances where the end result would say "(Not installed)" but no way to get a log to find out what happened. I found that if I reboot and start over, it would often times finish with a "(Installed)" result. MegaDrive, however, failed to install no matter what I did. Strangely enough though, it looks like it DID install, as playing a few games did result in seeing proper bezels loading.

The only thing I can figure with the permissions is that I am in a special use case. My "RetroPie" root folder isn't located on the SD card with the rest of the OS. It's located on an attached USB hard drive. Somehow my permissions must be different in this particular scenario. I've had a lot of issues throughout my building process because of this fact. Things like Selph's Scraper not liking the location to store artwork, or specific configuration mappings. It's probably all related to the external drive issue.