thebezelproject / BezelProject

The Bezel Project installer script
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NES Bezels are all Stock every Game #23

Closed ThaXified closed 5 years ago

ThaXified commented 5 years ago

Why are my NES games Stock bezel and not per game

thebezelproject commented 5 years ago

You have to use the no-intro ROM sets, and your emulator is either lr-fceumm or lr-nestopia

parker-hemphill commented 5 years ago

The following solution will fix the names for you:

I did all my bezels manually so I took those steps and wrote a simple little script. NOTE that you will need to rescrape your ROMS after you do this. Essentially, my script takes the name of a bezel, matches that name to a ROM, and renames the ROM to match the filename of the bezel.