thebezelproject / BezelProject

The Bezel Project installer script
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Error When Trying To Install BezelProject on Retropie #63

Open SherlockEA opened 3 years ago

SherlockEA commented 3 years ago

Using pi-3B, the vision of retropie script is 4.7.6, and I put on my raspberry pi connect on internet by netting twine. My computer connect the same internet by Wi-Fi, and I use Putty(SSH is opened, login as pi) to input that intall-command, but it is not work. Below is the error message from Putty:

pi@retropie:~ $ cd /home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/

pi@retropie:~/RetroPie/retropiemenu $ wget bezelproject/BezelProject/master/

--2021-01-27 12:27:23-- Project/master/ Resolving (, :: Connecting to (||:443 ... failed: Connection refused. Connecting to (|::|:443... f ailed: Connection refused.

pi@retropie:~/RetroPie/retropiemenu $ chmod +x ""

chmod: cannot access '': No such file or directory

So it can not be installed. What should I do to fix it?

thebezelproject commented 3 years ago

The script is not resolving internet addresses correctly, so this points to a misconfiguration of your networking. Please verify you can connect to regular web internet sites via a standard browser on the Pi, then make sure you can connect to Github via that same browser. If any of these steps fail, please follow standard networking debugging steps to resolve the issue.