Hi, I've installed ForceDoze recently and I have problem with withelist apps because It's just not working, for example when I click on plus button that loads app list then I can choose an app from there It's not adding it to the list, I also tried doing it by package name It's not working either and when I want to remove the apps that I added It just says app is not in the whitelist. Is It just for me? if there's any fix I would use it for sure. Thanks
Hi, I've installed ForceDoze recently and I have problem with withelist apps because It's just not working, for example when I click on plus button that loads app list then I can choose an app from there It's not adding it to the list, I also tried doing it by package name It's not working either and when I want to remove the apps that I added It just says app is not in the whitelist. Is It just for me? if there's any fix I would use it for sure. Thanks