thebrumby / HotWalletClaimer

Looking to optimize your earnings with HOT tokens on the Near Protocol? How about Wave on SUI? Tree on BSC? Or Vertus on Ton? This Python script simplifies the process by monitoring your account status within popular Telegram apps, ensuring rewards are claimed at the correct time.
MIT License
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Strange error #22

Closed ryandhikacc closed 1 month ago

ryandhikacc commented 1 month ago

After running bots for 72 hours straight, bots encountered strange error: image Error logs: image

Tried pm2 restart all and git pull but issues still persist.

thebrumby commented 1 month ago

Many apologies! That was my fault.

In tidying the repository, I moved all the games into a /games/ folder. I just realized if someone had active PM2 processes, and does a Git Pull - that while new sessions should work fine, it will break any existing PM processes raised from the original location.

To avoid making a new instance for everything, you can create simlinks :)

ln -s ./games/
ln -s ./games/
ln -s ./games/
ln -s ./games/
ln -s ./games/
ryandhikacc commented 1 month ago

Quick replies, thanks! image pm2 restart all and now it works perfectly again! Thanks

thebrumby commented 1 month ago

I did it a few days ago, it must have been just after you set the accounts up. I was just tidying things up ready for adding some more games, I didn't want them all littering the base directory. Sorry for the inconvenience.

thebrumby commented 1 month ago

Or more accurately, as well as tidying it up, the Docker setup will check git twice a day, update the games folder if there were changes, and then automatically restart only the scripts that changed (if any) - so that's why I was messing about with the structure :P

ryandhikacc commented 1 month ago

ugh, sorry, i thought everything was working already, but this error..... image

thebrumby commented 1 month ago

Thanks for highlighting it!

Some of the games require to see the mouse moving before they believe an action is by a human (makes a lot of sense that the pointer can't magically jump to the right spot every time), but it seems the movement I built in is moving some of the Telegram targets out-of-range.

I pushed a smaller update that excludes the mouse movement for those log-in steps, which I hope will resolve the issue :) I did a fresh install on docker and they all tested OK, but let me know how you get on.

ryandhikacc commented 1 month ago

pull then restart, but still showing this error on some saved sessions (not all sessions) image

thebrumby commented 1 month ago

OK, I wonder if these sessions got corrupted? selenium doesn't like getting disturbed mid-session.

If you run it with the debug option turned on, you can see the virtual screenshots of what's happening in the process. These would appear in ./screenshots./Wave:Wallet12 for example. Maybe the QR code is back showing, meaning you'd need to re-enter the seed phrase again.

Alternatively, you can jump straight to the step of running the ./ command. You might need to make it executable first with chmod +x If you select option 1 to remove an active process it will remove it from PM2 and remove the named folders (just for that one session) in selenium, screenshots, and backup.

Let me know how you get on :)

ryandhikacc commented 1 month ago

ok, after trying to restart "corrupted session". new problem arise 😅, although the wave bot is working fine (same telegram session) check this debug screenshot image

thebrumby commented 1 month ago

Is there a chance you had the HOT wallet page open in your Telegram app or Telegram Web, that interrupted the flow?

ryandhikacc commented 1 month ago

Is there a chance you had the HOT wallet page open in your Telegram app or Telegram Web, that interrupted the flow?

There is not, i only open telegram for login and checking otp

ryandhikacc commented 1 month ago

It looks like restoring from the saved session doesn't work. I tried restoring using the saved session from Wave, and the Wave session is fine image

thebrumby commented 1 month ago

Yup, the saved TG backup got corrupted too. If you run ./ and select option 2, pick the number for the TG account that got corrupted. You might also need to run option 1 or 2 to remove the hot account if it got all the way through setup.

Then run ./, skip changing the settings, enter your required session name, and when it asks for a Telegram account, press "n" to create a new one, and authenticate again.

As an FYI, those games that log in via seed phrase don't "need" to be run from separate TG accounts if you don't want to. I have a lot of hot accounts all running from one TG account.

ryandhikacc commented 1 month ago

Well, I've tried importing 5/6 HOT seed phrases (registered under different number) on one Telegram account before and then claiming all the accounts from one Telegram (via mobile telegram), and I ended up losing the account (lost in terms of the account getting a rotten wood penalty for suspected multi-account mining, I guess?). So, for security reasons, I separated the TG accounts. Maybe it's not your time yet, or I'm just unlucky.

Back to the main topic, I had to start all over again to log in, and it seems to be running normally now. I hope there are no more errors because previously the script ran smoothly for 72 hours. Thanks again for the script😁

thebrumby commented 1 month ago

I saw before that if people imported into the add account in the GUI that gave the "rotten wood" thing, but I never had a problem with separate sessions using the script - as you say, maybe my time will come!

For sure, the initial problem was me moving the location of the games - which will be a one-time thing. I'm making room for the two upcoming games that I hope to release today or tomorrow!