thebrumby / HotWalletClaimer

Looking to optimize your earnings with HOT tokens on the Near Protocol? How about Wave on SUI? Tree on BSC? Or Vertus on Ton? This Python script simplifies the process by monitoring your account status within popular Telegram apps, ensuring rewards are claimed at the correct time.
MIT License
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Problem with opening game after login #3

Closed Wapweb closed 2 months ago

Wapweb commented 2 months ago

Here there. After one day it was crashed. When I try to execute it again I am stack at this point

Step 01c - Was successfully able to request users phone number.

Please enter your phone number without leading 0 (hidden input):
Step 01d - Attempting to click next to proceed to OTP entry...
Step 01d - Was successfully able to click next to proceed to OTP entry.

Step 01e - What is the Telegram OTP from your app? 32902
Step 01e - Let's try to log in using your Telegram OTP.

Step 01 - Attempting to verify if we are logged in (QR code should be not present).
Step 01 - nothing found to action. The QR code test passed.

Step 02 - Attempting to check for the start button (should not be present)...
Step 02 - nothing found to action.

Step 03 - Attempting to find the chat window/message input box...
Step 03 - nothing found to action.

Step 03 - Failed to find the message input box.

Step 03 - Attempting to restore from backup and retry.

Backup restored successfully.

Step 03 - Attempting to find the chat window/message input box...
Step 03 - nothing found to action.

Step 03 - Failed to find the message input box.

Step 03 - Retried after restoring backup, but still failed to send the '/start' command.

Step 05 - Attempting to open a link for the app...
Step 05 - Failed to find the 'Open Wallet' button within the expected timeframe.

Step 06 - Attempting to click the 'Launch' button...
Step 06 - nothing found to action.

Step 07 - Attempting to switch to the app's iFrame...
Step 07 - Failed to find or switch to the iframe within the timeout period.

Step 08 - Attempting to find the HereWallet log-in button...
Step 08 - nothing found to action.

Step 09 - Attempting to locate seedphrase textbox...
Step 09 - nothing found to action.

An error occurred: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'send_keys'
We backed up the session data in case of a later crash!

CHROME DRIVER DETACHED: It is safe to stop the script if you want to.```
thebrumby commented 2 months ago

Hey bud, the developers kindly added a new pop-up modal that covers the information/buttons we need and blocked the auto-claimer functionality (annoyed grunt!).

I modified the script and hope I correctly inserted "try actions" for the two options that will close it.

If you can update to 1.3.7 and if the session didn't get corrupted, it should resume OK.

If the session is corrupted, run from the command line or screen and select 'y' to this option: Force New Login? If your existing session crashed (Y/N, default = N):

If you’re using PM2, obviously you’ll also have to restart the script there after updating and making sure you’re logged in.

Let me know how you get on. It had also broke for my accounts too, but is now working!


Wapweb commented 2 months ago

@thebrumby thanks, I did fresh login

Step 01 - Attempting to verify if we are logged in (QR code should be not present).
Step 01 - nothing found to action. The QR code test passed.

Step 02 - Attempting to check for the start button (should not be present)...
Step 02 - nothing found to action.

Step 03 - Attempting to find the chat window/message input box...
Step 03 - Was successfully able to find the chat window/message input box.

Step 04 - Attempting to send the '/start' command...
Step 04 - Successfully sent the '/start' command.

Step 05 - Attempting to open a link for the app...
Step 05 - Successfully able to open a link for the app..

Step 06 - Attempting to click the 'Launch' button...
Step 06 - Managed to click the 'Launch' button using ActionChains.
Step 06 - Was successfully able to click the 'Launch' button.

Step 07 - Attempting to switch to the app's iFrame...
Step 07 - Was successfully able to switch to the app's iFrame.

Step 08 - Attempting to find the HereWallet log-in button...
Step 08 - Managed to find the HereWallet log-in button using ActionChains.
Step 08 - Was successfully able to find the HereWallet log-in button.

Step 09 - Attempting to locate seedphrase textbox...
Step 09 - Managed to locate seedphrase textbox using ActionChains.
Step 09 - Was successfully able to locate seedphrase textbox.

Please enter your 12-word seed phrase (your input is hidden):
Step 09 - Was successfully able to enter the seed phrase...
Step 10 - Attempting to click continue after seedphrase entry...
Step 10 - Managed to click continue after seedphrase entry using ActionChains.
Step 10 - Was successfully able to click continue after seedphrase entry.

Step 11 - Attempting to click continue at account selection screen...
Step 11 - Managed to click continue at account selection screen using ActionChains.
Step 11 - Was successfully able to click continue at account selection screen.

Step 12 - Attempting to click the 'storage' link...
Step 12 - Managed to click the 'storage' link using ActionChains.
Step 12 - Was successfully able to click the 'storage' link.

We backed up the session data in case of a later crash!

CHROME DRIVER DETACHED: It is safe to stop the script if you want to.

Enter 'y' to continue to 'claim' function or 'n' to exit and resume in PM2: y
Waiting to start claim for: ./selenium/hotwallet, attempt 1.
Waiting to start claim for: ./selenium/hotwallet, attempt 2.```

Now it says Waiting to start claim for: ./selenium/hotwallet, attempt 1 even though I opted in first claim and my storage 25% fill
Wapweb commented 2 months ago

@thebrumby ok, so after 11 attempts it switched from ./selenium/hotwallet to actual current session which is ./selenium/13 and now working fine, thanks!

thebrumby commented 2 months ago

Yeah, there is a 5 minute timer on it in case one of the other sessions gets stuck. if it's a false error, you can delete the status.txt file.

But looks like there is still a problem! They changed something now on the log in link, so it doesn't display so easily :D I need to decode that now too!

thebrumby commented 2 months ago


I introduced more fixes in version 1.3.8 to get around the newly introduced security measures by the devs!