thebrumby / HotWalletClaimer

Looking to optimize your earnings with HOT tokens on the Near Protocol? How about Wave on SUI? Tree on BSC? Or Vertus on Ton? This Python script simplifies the process by monitoring your account status within popular Telegram apps, ensuring rewards are claimed at the correct time.
MIT License
89 stars 31 forks source link

Request Feature - Push claim message to telegram bot #32

Closed itcthienkhiem closed 1 month ago

itcthienkhiem commented 1 month ago

I want to push claim information to telegram bot, for example, claim information is as follows: App name - Account name - claim time - claim quantity - total coins after claim Many thanks.

thebrumby commented 1 month ago


Thank you for your suggestion to push claim information to a Telegram bot. It's an interesting idea, and I see its potential benefits. However, I'd like to understand more about how you envision this setup working.

Implementing a Telegram bot involves obtaining an API token from Telegram's BotFather and maintaining a server that runs 24/7 to handle messages from a Python script and relay them to Telegram users. Could you clarify if your suggestion involves the script sending data to each user's own server, and whether you were thinking this would be something I would host?

Given the potential volume of users from games with millions of accounts, hosting an open relay would require significant resources. Additionally, if users are to self-host, it would require them to have sufficient technical knowledge.

Could you provide more details on how you see this idea working?

itcthienkhiem commented 1 month ago

Hi, Currently, I'm having difficulty controlling multiple session accounts in cmd. I don't know which account has already claimed the reward, which account has not claimed the reward, and how much. My idea is to push data to a private telegram bot so I can check my reward amount on my phone

Wellynounet commented 1 month ago

Hi, Currently, I'm having difficulty controlling multiple session accounts in cmd. I don't know which account has already claimed the reward, which account has not claimed the reward, and how much. My idea is to push data to a private telegram bot so I can check my reward amount on my phone


You can use : " pm2 logs" to see which account have been claim

or pm2 logs | grep HOT:*

to see only logs for HOT: adapt to fit your need

pm2 logs | grep Tree:*

thebrumby commented 1 month ago


Please see this thread where we can continue the discussion. We will provide a new script to show the balances on one screen.
