thebrumby / HotWalletClaimer

Looking to optimize your earnings with HOT tokens on the Near Protocol? How about Wave on SUI? Tree on BSC? Or Vertus on Ton? This Python script simplifies the process by monitoring your account status within popular Telegram apps, ensuring rewards are claimed at the correct time.
MIT License
89 stars 31 forks source link

Discussion: Should we add any other projects? #7

Closed S26T closed 2 months ago

S26T commented 2 months ago

Hello. Thank you for the amazing project which works 😃

Can I use this project for adapting to any telegram project? example for Blum, Vertus ...?

Maybe you have plans for adapting to any telegram projects?

S26T commented 2 months ago

@thebrumby What you think about it?

thebrumby commented 2 months ago

Hey Sergey,

My initial thought was that I didn't want to add more projects, because in this first month, of the 5,000,000+ HOT users, only 10 per day download the script, and the project only has 12 stars, so while it is working, I'm not sure if it's helping that many people or not.

However, the core functions of the script work well and I'm familiar with how to modify it. So an open question to anyone, please tell me more about which projects you'd like to see. How many users? What makes them a good candidate to add to this system? And then maybe we'll pick one for this next week and try to integrate it!

Thanks for the suggestion :)

S26T commented 2 months ago

I see several projects that may be relevant. Blum, Vertus. Also I have other projects, but not sure that you will interesting.

Why you write script on python? If there are any restrictions if you write in js?


thebrumby commented 2 months ago

I just like the flow of Python compared to JS, that's the main reason I use it.

thebrumby commented 1 month ago

Hey Sergey,

Blum looks to be closed to new registrations for now. However, I added Vertus and a couple of others!

Happy Claiming!

S26T commented 1 month ago

Hey Sergey,

Blum looks to be closed to new registrations for now. However, I added Vertus and a couple of others!

Happy Claiming!

Hello, for Blum you can use this ref link - I added my version of bots. I use js, puppeteer, pm2 and I happy. Thanks a lot for idea.

thebrumby commented 1 month ago

Great to hear you have everything working well in JS! I'll try the link you sent later in this week :)