thebuildcraft / RemotePlayerWaypointsForXaero

Shows player and marker positions from Dynmap, Bluemap, Squaremap or Pl3xMap in game using Xaeros Minimap and Worldmap. Also displays AFK status in the tab list.
GNU General Public License v3.0
10 stars 3 forks source link

Use client side players positions when other players are nearby #15

Open RaafatTurki opened 1 month ago

RaafatTurki commented 1 month ago

Hi, amazing mod!

It would be optimal if the mod updates the other players waypoint using client side data (on a higher update rate) when other players positions can be optained without sending a request to the web map.

This would stop making the waypoint appear as "laggy" when other players are nearby which is when the effect is most noticeable.

thebuildcraft commented 1 month ago

Hi, Thanks for the suggestion. This idea was actually already on my to-do list for a while now. The reason why I haven't implemented it yet, is that I'm currently in the process of making my own universal mod template, that is multi-loader and multi-version in one branch and is compatible with servers. This will massively speed up the development cycle of the mod and will allow me to make a server side mod / plugin that will send the information to the mod, in case you don't want to use an online-map. Now to your suggestion: Once I have finished the Template, released it publicly and ported this mod to it, I will be able to implement your suggestion.

RaafatTurki commented 1 month ago

Ahaa, that would definitely speed up the development cycle. I'm glad you're actively developing this mod.

The server side plugin would be a very good addition, I suggest you make the client side mod talk to it via a websocket to get realtime positions at faster rates.

This opens up the door to so many features like removing the waypoint of a sneaking player or display player heads as waypoint icons (if xaero's supports it).

Can't wait to see what you come up with.

MeerBiene commented 1 month ago

Dang I was about to write a small little plugin that offers a websocket server for the client mod to attach to - let me know if you would want help with that @thebuildcraft

thebuildcraft commented 1 month ago

Any help is appreciated @MeerBiene :) I have thought about the server implementation a bit: Would it make more sense to split the server and client code because they wouldn't really share any code? Or should we keep everything together in one repo (and Modrinth side) ? And about that template I'm making: I don't know when I will be finished because I planned a lot of stuff that should already be handled by the template to make it easier to make new projects with it. I will probably just make the repo public soon, so everyone can watch the progress, share ideas and maybe even help.