theburningmonk / ReactoKinesix

A Rx based .Net client library for working with Amazon Kinesis
MIT License
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Role of ReactoKinesix vs. Kinesis Client Library #57

Closed luck02 closed 8 years ago

luck02 commented 8 years ago

Hi, wondering what the long term plan for RX is in terms of the Kinesis Client library for .net.

I don't think anyone is overly attracted to taking the weird life cycle dependency on the java runtime, but it's the 'official' method and I'd be frustrated if I started using Reacto and it went dormant 3 weeks later.

Thanks allot,

Gary Lucas

luck02 commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I guess another way to ask the same question would be to say: What is the problem you're trying to solve vs. using the KCL (not that I'm a fan of the KCL mechanism).

theburningmonk commented 8 years ago

Hi, I started this project around the time Amazon announced Kinesis, I was really excited to try it out only to find everything the documentation referred to was Java only, and there was no KCL for any other language. Which was why I started this project and the hope was (still is!) that there will come a day when there'd be an official .Net client library would render this library unnecessary.

(on a side note, I also created a producer library that supports a number of things:

Like you, I'm not a fan of the .Net KCL as it stands right now, so as things stand I will still continue to maintain this library (we also have a bunch of production code depending on it too). But your point is totally valid, this is an open-source project with only one active maintainer, so there's definitely risk involved. In the short-term at least I don't see any reason for me to abandon this project though.

The way I see, the bulk of the work is in the processing logic anyway, so even if I was to stop working on this library it's not a big ask to move to the KCL. I actually borrowed a lot of design idea from the KCL at the time, including how it uses DynamoDB to track state of the stream processors, so from a consumer's point-of-view it should be easy to switch.

luck02 commented 8 years ago

That makes sense, thanks for the overview. Much appreciated.

I'm experimenting with ripping an existing process that's currently living on a 0MQ bus and running it entirely on Kinesis. I will investigate Darkseid as it looks like the Kinesis Producer Library is again, java only. I have a ton of background with C# and none with F# so it's making for some fun reading :)