thecannons / Insurgency-dy-sourcemod

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Add vertical position indicator to medic body compass #16

Closed AGSPhoenix closed 7 years ago

AGSPhoenix commented 7 years ago

When playing as medic, downed players that are above or below you are hard to locate with just direction and distance. This patch should add an above/below/level display to help resolve that.

If you think this is a good idea, we should also consider giving the altitude difference explicitly, to give you a better idea of where someone is. I could imagine the proposed system being troublesome on maps like Launch Control, where someone could be down on the surface, a good 90 second walk from the lower levels.

I'm not sure about the use of the word 'level' to describe being at the same altitude. Sernix has a diverse playerbase, and I'm not sure how widely that meaning of the word is known to non native English speakers. Suggestions welcome.

This patch is untested and is not ready for merge. I've never worked with SourceMod and I'm honestly not sure how to go about setting up a proper test environment. I couldn't even check that it compiled with the compiler, as it complains about not being able to read the included insurgencydy.sp, and I don't see an option to upload multiple files.

Take a look and let me know what you think.

AGSPhoenix commented 7 years ago

Found the compiler, and fixed an error in my code. There is still an error elsewhere in the file, but it's not related to my modifications.

thecannons commented 7 years ago

Manually added in, Thanks!

AGSPhoenix commented 7 years ago

Any thoughts on whether or not a distance count should be added? Or would you prefer to wait for feedback from the playerbase?

Also, when do you think these changes will go live?