thecannons / Insurgency-dy-sourcemod

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Error loading Medic Plugin #33

Closed OlliC closed 4 years ago

OlliC commented 4 years ago


so i am trying to get The Armory: Expanded - 35 Angry Bots with Medic Support working on a linux server. What i have found out so far is that the sourcemod plugin "c_dy_respawn_naong_ai_director" is needed. I managed to compile it by getting all required includes one by one.

Includes i copied over: smlib/*

But then when trying to load it it says:

c_dy_respawn_naong_ai_director.smx ([INS] Player Respawn): Native "Ins_ObjectiveResource_GetProp" was not found

What am i missing?

thecannons commented 4 years ago

Looks like a long standing error from original plugin:

If it doesn't cause any issues I'd say ignore it.

OlliC commented 4 years ago

I would ignore it, but the problem is it does not get loaded by sourcemod. Maybe i should have made that clearer.

sm plugins list says:

18 <Failed> "[INS] Player Respawn" (1.7.0) by Jared Ballou (Contributor: Daimyo, naong, and community members)
c_dy_respawn_naong_ai_director.smx ([INS] Player Respawn): Native "Ins_ObjectiveResource_GetProp" was not found
OlliC commented 4 years ago

Ok what i have found out so far is that insurgency.sp (insurgency.smx) is a requirement for the respawn plugin, because it contains the 'Ins_ObjectiveResource_GetProp' function. So i must be loaded first.

Now i get this error from loading c_dy_respawn_naong_ai_director.smx:

L 12/04/2019 - 09:49:15: [SM] Exception reported: Fatal Error: Unable to find signature for "ForceRespawn"!
L 12/04/2019 - 09:49:15: [SM] Blaming: c_dy_respawn_naong_ai_director.smx
L 12/04/2019 - 09:49:15: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 12/04/2019 - 09:49:15: [SM]   [0] SetFailState
L 12/04/2019 - 09:49:15: [SM]   [1] Line 1027, c_dy_respawn_naong_ai_director.sp::OnPluginStart

I am working my way slowly through it :)

Edit: Config file gamedata/plugin.respawn.txt was missing. Now both plugins are loading!