thecdil / mini-symposium

mini symposium for CDIL fellows, held online May 2020
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Dinosaur Extinction Map #6

Open samsonmatthews opened 4 years ago

samsonmatthews commented 4 years ago

Hey Everyone! Here's my map, which exists in a fictional universe where the extinction of the dinosaurs was brought by 5 large chunks of the moon breaking off and crashing in various locations, causing catastrophic damage and irreversible effects to the Earth's climate during that time (in this timeline, the moon was at least 4 times larger before this event). I hope it's entertaining to you, it was fun to make and screw around with.

samsonmatthews commented 4 years ago

Some Observations:

dcnb commented 4 years ago

"an origin story of death" -- I like that very much.

thanks @samsonmatthews! You got a lot of features in here, and embedded a video! good work. It's amazing to me how "authoritative" these look on the surface, due to the "fancy" web design features allowed. Initial perception of web projects (whether they're old/new, fancy/plain) is so ingrained in our browsing now. It's hard to shake, even when you know, for instance, the #GreatCraterEvent never happened ...