thecececollins / careerManagement

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Present at a conference #7

Open thecececollins opened 6 years ago

thecececollins commented 6 years ago

Nonbinary in a Binary World


I just recently come out as nonbinary. Imagine being in a marriage for the past 30 years and then finally realizing you’ve stayed with it only because society has been telling you to... every single day. From which bathroom you use, your pronouns, how family members and your partner refer to you, even down to how you are supposed to dress and act.

Now that you are divorced, imagine trying to get people to start referring to you as Miss and your maiden name... usually no one blinks an eye and really tried to make this happen since they understand that you don’t want to think of that past every time someone is referring to you.


Share the Male and Female spectrum Share the gay spectrum

Things to consider

thecececollins commented 6 years ago

Graduate your Startup IT team to an Enterprise IT team

Do a capabilities assessment for your department

thecececollins commented 6 years ago

How to create Diversity in technology

thecececollins commented 6 years ago

How to say no in a yes world and vise verse

thecececollins commented 6 years ago

Rethink Efficiency

Point of this session

What is efficiency?


Steps to think through

thecececollins commented 6 years ago

How to rock the boat and keep it afloat