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Node Cap Dialog Wording #506

Closed everbeek closed 9 years ago

everbeek commented 9 years ago

Cassie is wondering about the Confirmation message we display when someone adds nodes to a viz. I just selected to expand concepts from a node. The menu said that there were 13 nodes. When I click on it, 3 are added, but the confirmation message says 20 were added and 11 remain. Bug? (I did this expansion from "Head Part"

everbeek commented 9 years ago

It's not a bug, but an ambiguity of wording. The menu reporting 13 was probably correct. When it was clicked, it added two nodes, which brought the total to 20. The wording is like "20 nodes have been loaded so far, but 11 remain", and I am changing to be "In total, 20 nodes are in the graph, but 11 more can be added."

Another related issue is that the number of nodes to be expanded cannot be known early in the loading process. A sequence of REST calls is made, and the results of each are processed to know how many nodes will be in an expansion. The node menus are not updated as this count changes (it would be slightly tricky) but the node cap dialog does update to reflect this. You can observe this if you can trigger a node menu very very quickly after the initial load. The numbers in the dialog will be updated as Biomixer becomes aware of more relations to that node.

Let's see if that wording works better.