thechori / movie-night

Web application built using MeteorJS to track and organize Sunday Movie Nights
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System for voting on movies and distinguishing between watched/proposed movies #19

Open thechori opened 8 years ago

thechori commented 8 years ago

This will be the turning point for this application, by adding a voting system that requires all/most users in a group to approve the movie before viewing, we can prevent garbage movies and catastrophes like the case of the Mr. Nobody viewing. Such a tragedy. Four innocent people lost 2.5 hours of their life that they will never be able to get back.

Potential Features:

  1. A "pending" red text that will sit next to a new movie proposition
  2. Easy to access approve/deny buttons that sit next to a pending movie
  3. iMDb information on the movie info page for quick reviewing of the movie on the go
  4. Notifications for the users in a group when a new movie has been proposed for the NEXT movie night