theclaymethod / Foundry-vagrant-mesos-kafka-cluster

A Vagrant/Ansible => Kafka, Mesos (w/ Marathon/Docker), ZK, Hadoop, and Spark. Service discovery via HAProxy and Bamboo.
MIT License
50 stars 10 forks source link

error for bamboo-haproy #1

Open mihai-satmarean opened 9 years ago

mihai-satmarean commented 9 years ago

When building the environment we get this error: TASK: [bamboo-haproxy | Build bamboo image] *** failed: [] => {"failed": true, "parsed": false} SUDO-SUCCESS-gygrgcpeatjghxdfsyqbeefhjlvjjmra Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/vagrant/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1415895628.48-91606373400347/docker", line 2419, in main() File "/home/vagrant/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1415895628.48-91606373400347/docker", line 802, in main manager.start_containers(deployed_containers) File "/home/vagrant/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1415895628.48-91606373400347/docker", line 661, in start_containers self.client.start(i['Id'], **params) TypeError: start() got an unexpected keyword argument 'network_mode'

FATAL: all hosts have already failed -- aborting

Otherwise, great work and thank you!

theclaymethod commented 9 years ago

I'll take a look. I temporarily disabled it since it added quite a bit to the provisioning time, and I wanted to get HDFS and spark running, so something may have broken along the way.


theclaymethod commented 9 years ago

Figured out that the issue was related to comma injection in the ENV variable for Docker Containers. So the original env: BAMBOO_ZK_HOST={{zk_servers_noproto}} due to the way the env is split on commas:

The fix is currently in the dev branch of ansible. I am looking for a workaround.