thecodeholic / laravel11-react-spa

Laravel 11 + React SPA with Inertia for managing projects and Tasks.
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Passport und jwt token auth #1

Open cth18012017 opened 5 months ago

cth18012017 commented 5 months ago

The example is very good for getting started, although I haven't watched to the end yet. For my project we need a token validation with beerer JWT token and OAuth 2. I have read that this can be realized with passpord. In addition, I thought about keyclock, where I can log in and then use keyclock to deliver the token with user data such as the userid and a valid session token. Can you perhaps use your preffesional knowledge to provide something for this?

ambasador commented 2 months ago

This is really simple

$token = $request->bearerToken();

cth18012017 commented 3 weeks ago

Have you a full example to use it?