thecodemine / formwizard

jQuery plugin based on top of jQuery UI which turns a form into a multistep wizard. Integrates with the jQuery form plugin for AJAX submission of the form, the validation plugin for client side validation and the BBQ plugin for enabling the browsers back and forward buttons.
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Option to submit & complete form at multiple steps (with button). #35

Closed KoopaTroopa50 closed 11 years ago

KoopaTroopa50 commented 11 years ago

Is it possible to include the option to submit a form at multiple steps? I have a 6 step form and would like the user to have the option to choose between submitting the form and moving to the next step (2 buttons) on step 4 and 5.

thecodemine commented 11 years ago

One way would be to add another button to the form which is shown only on step 4. This button submits the form by adding a "submit_step" class to the step when the button is clicked - and then trigger a the next method of the wizard. Something like this:

<div id="demoNavigation">                           
    <input class="navigation_button" id="back" value="Back" type="reset" />
    <input class="navigation_button" id="submit_early" value="Submit" type="button" />
    <input class="navigation_button" id="next" value="Next" type="submit" />

    <script type="text/javascript">
                var btn =  $("#submit_early"), wizard = $("#demoForm"),
                    formOptions = {
                        success: function(data){$("#status").fadeTo(500,1,function(){ $(this).html("You are now registered!").fadeTo(5000, 0); })},
                        beforeSubmit: function(data){
                            $("#data").html("data sent to the server: " + $.param(data));
                        dataType: 'json',
                        resetForm: true
                    formPluginEnabled: true,
                    validationEnabled: true,
                    focusFirstInput : true,
                    formOptions : formOptions,
                 }).bind("before_step_shown", function(e, data){
                    if(data && data.currentStep === "finland"){ // the id of your step 4

                    var state = wizard.formwizard("state");
                    if(wizard.valid()) $("#" + state.currentStep).addClass("submit_step");
                    return false;